Our volunteer hours are only part of the story. The SCJWC spearheads projects to help our community, such as Project Angel Tree, student scholarships, and local drives to help military as well as children, families and seniors in need. We also look for under funded projects and programs in the community and offer them a boost in their funding so they can continue to make a difference.
We raise funds through several different means. Our annual "Big Event" fundraising gala is where we raise most of our funding. We have a goal of raising $50,000 for our local community in 2020!

Please Join the San Clemente Junior Woman’s Club!
“A Night of Mystery” 72nd BIRTHDAY CHARITY GALA
Individual Tickets $85 Early Bird/$95 General
Table of 10 $850 Early Bird/$950 General
Since 1948, the San Clemente Junior Woman's Club has been giving back through volunteerism and financial support to it's community. The SCJWC is turning 72 years old in 2020! To celebrate this milestone, let's put on our 20s finest and bid the night away at our 2020 A Night of Mystery Birthday Charity Gala on November 14, 2020 at the lovely Bella Collina Towne & Club. Join us at 5:30pm for a wonderful evening with an online silent auction and raffle as well as a LIVE auction, entertainment and 3 course meal. All funds which we raise will benefit the philanthropic needs of our beautiful San Clemente community.
This year’s theme “A Night of Mystery” will bring 1920’s era crime to life and all our guests will be detectives looking out for clues to figure out “who done it.” We are using a Playing with Murder Script. You can find them here for your next event. Tickets include a three-course dinner, silent and live auction, entertainment, dancing, and much more! Get in the spirit and come dressed in your best 1920’s attire or something inspired by your favorite detective or Clue character! As always, our gala will be an amazing night full of fun supporting a good cause and can’t be missed!
Additionally, we are looking for sponsors and charitable donations. If you would like to learn more about our sponsorship program or how to donate an item or service, please contact tbegala@scjwc.org.
Thank you to our Sponsors and Donors!
Auction Donors
Adventure City
Beyond Meat Food Truck
Big Air Trampoline
Bueno Bueno
Business and Pleasure Co.
Chestnut & Fig
Club Pilates
Daisy Shoppe
Del Mar Race Track
Em & Tess
Grand Pacific Resorts
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
Irvine Improv
In N Out
Jenn Quinn Beauty
Le Creuset
Logan Exec Trans
Lost Winds Brewery
Lungu Law Group
Magic Castle
MRK Public
Murf Electric Bikes
Pacific Strength - Val Hedlund
Pretend City
PRP Wine International
Rainbow Sandals
Sircuit Skinceuticals
Sol Fire Yoga
susie cakes
Target San Clemente
The Cellar
The Sunshine Series
Fund A Need: The San Felipe Humanitarian Alliance
Our 2020 Fund A Need Charity is The San Felipe Humanitarian Alliance (SFHA). All money raised for SFHA at the 2020 San Clemente Junior Woman’s Club Gala: “A Night of Mystery” will go specifically to SFHA’s school library initiative.
For the past 40 years, California has consistently ranked near the very bottom for school library funding nationwide. This has resulted in a limited number of books in schools, a reduced number of librarians, and, in some cases, no operating school library. Some schools have as little as three books per child and these books are old outdated.
Currently, there is no designated school library funding provided by the state. Schools may apply for a school and library improvement block grant. This money can be used for school libraries or other school improvement issues-such as carpeting, painting or playground equipment. In most California schools, and across the nation, the quality of the school library is a direct result of parent supported funding, such as PTA's or education foundations. In low-income areas, this is not possible. This is where programs like the one SFHA perates come in.
Aside from income, the quality of a school library is the best predictor of reading scores because the most effective bridge from low levels of reading ability to higher levels is pleasure reading. Pleasure reading provides the base for all reading, including academics, but it is the kind of reading missing from the lives of many students. Affluent children have more books at home, better public libraries, and go to schools with better libraries. In some cases, affluent children have access to more books in their homes than poor children have in their homes, public libraries, classrooms, and school libraries combined. Sadly, many children in school today have practically no access to books and no quiet and comfortable place to read. Public libraries cannot close the gap.
After a school is selected, all new high interest and relevant books will be ordered for the school, the library will be painted, all new library books will be processed, this includes tagging them for the reference system, and classroom sets are organized by grade levels. A muralist will work with the school to determine where the mural is to be and the theme of it. She will outline the mural and volunteers will color it in. SFHA is hoping to revitalize two schools in inner city LA, where the need is so great, nearly 80% of the 600,000 students in the district live in poverty.