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SAN CLEMENTE JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB Teen Citizen Scholarship Application

The Teen Citizen Scholarship is an annual award recognizing an outstanding San Clemente High School senior. The scholarship is sponsored by the San Clemente Junior Woman’s Club . The award provides cash award as well as community recognition to the winner.


Scholarship Amount:  $1000



1. This contest is limited to high school seniors only.

2. An official transcript or similar verification of grades 3.0 or better must accompany this application. This transcript must include first semester senior grades.

3. Applications must be typed and double-spaced. All areas must be addressed. Applications that are incomplete or do not follow the application instructions will be disqualified.

Judging: All aspects of Sections II – V will be considered when determining the scholarship recipient.


Deadline: March 23, 2024


Submit to:


Section I: Cover Sheet.

Please include the following information:

       Full Name, Age, Address & Phone Number

       College attending (if known)

       Parent/Guardian signature


Section II: Applicant’s Background.

Please answer the following:

       What motivates you to excel in academics?

       In what volunteer activities are you involved?

       In what extracurricular activities do you participate?

       How do you plan to spend the money from this scholarship, if awarded?


Section III: Applicant’s choice essay.

Please explain why you feel you should be awarded this scholarship (maximum two pages)


Section IV: Official transcript or similar verification of scholastic grades (must include at least one semester of senior grades).


Section V: Please include a letter of recommendation by a qualified individual (i.e. teacher, principal, counselor, employer, etc.). Limit two recommendations.

San Clemente Junior Woman's Club

PO BOX 4274

San Clemente, CA 92674

Tax ID: 95-6282734

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