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Each year, the SCJWC hosts a series of Angel Trees throughout the community of San Clemente. We work as Santa's Elves to make the holiday wishes of children, seniors and special needs adults in need in the local community come true.  You can find our trees at the San Clemente Community Center and Aquatics Center at VHSP (starting in November). We also offer a digital version through an online gift registry. 


The individualized gifts are collected and distributed to local organizations in need. This year, we are sponsoring individualized gifts that benefit the Boys & Girls Club, Family Assistance Ministries, and the San Clemente Senior Center. 


As a community, we are able to contribute over 300 gifts each year. Help contribute to make this year successful by supporting us in one of the following ways:

1. Visit our Project Angel Tree gift registry at: 

Please be sure to check shipping dates to ensure the item will arrive in time.


Note, you can also ship gifts or drop them off to our Angel Tree Coordinator Candice Middleton, Kappauf Insurance Office 1908 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672 or at one of the Angel Tree physical locations. We just ask that you mark the gifts not purchased through the registry as "I bought this gift somewhere else" so we can account for all the gifts.   




Visit one of our Angel Trees locations at either the San Clemente Community Center on Del Mar or Aquatics Center at Vista Hermosa Sports Park. Select an ornament off the tree - each ornament has a specific wish on the back. Wrap and return the gift to an Angel Tree location. 

2. Donate online via paypal, or Zelle through email:, or send us a check, and we will select a gift(s) from our tree to purchase with your donation! 


3. Sponsor a group of unfilled gifts to ensure all holiday wishes are fulfilled! All company and family sponsorships will be featured on this page. Please contact if you are interested in sponsorship.

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The San Clemente Junior Woman's Club is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization under the CFWC Group Exemption and your donation may be eligible for a Federal Tax Deduction.


You can make a donation via PayPay using the yellow "Donate" button or;

By donating via Zelle using email: OR by scanning the QR code through your banking app.  Simply enter the amount you'd like to give and help support our mission!

Mail a check to

PO BOX 4274

San Clemente, CA 92674


General ID No. 8288

Tax ID #95-6282734

Bus ID #003654

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